Nathalie shares her story about quitting smoking using hypnosis therapy vancouver

Hypnosis Therapy Vancouver: Nathalie’s Success Story

Nathalie, from Vancouver, conquered her 45-year smoking habit using hypnosis therapy Vancouver. She was kind enough to share her experience with us in a brief conversation discussing the profound impact of hypnosis.

Nathalie, from Vancouver, conquered her 45-year smoking habit using hypnosis therapy Vancouver. She was kind enough to share her experience with us in a brief conversation discussing the profound impact of hypnosis.

Discovering Hypnosis Therapy in Vancouver

In her testimonial, Nathalie shares her initial doubts and the surprising ease with which she embraced a smoke-free life. “I had quit previously for 12 years and so I knew it was possible but for some reason I because I had quit before there was always this ‘oh I could just quit again’ and I kept starting and then ‘oh I can quit’ but it was becoming more and more difficult,” she explains. “Since having hypnosis, not smoking has become the most natural and easiest thing,” she states with surprise. Her skepticism vanished as she realized that the urge to smoke, even in challenging situations, no longer troubled her. “I’ve been watching Mad Men with my mom… they are smoking constantly, and I think about it, but I don’t want it. It’s really good, yeah.”

The Impact of Hypnosis Therapy Vancouver

During her sessions, Nathalie explored deep-seated reasons behind her smoking. She shares her motivation for quitting simply: “I just want to be healthier.”

Post-hypnosis, Nathalie noticed a dramatic shift in her responses to usual smoking triggers. “I just don’t get triggered,” she says, describing her new life as a non-smoker. The lack of desire to smoke, even when surrounded by smokers on television or in her immediate environment, underscores the effectiveness of her hypnosis therapy. “It feels like I’m just not a smoker. Like, I just identify myself now as a non-smoker. I don’t think about it; it’s not a part of my life, and it feels really good and natural. So it doesn’t feel like a battle that I’m struggling to get through this time; it feels like it’s done.”

Nathalie celebrates successfully quitting smoking using hypnosis therapy vancouver

Reflecting on her success, Nathalie shares how different her life is post-hypnosis. The absence of cravings even when opportunities to smoke arise speaks to a deep-seated change. “I mean, I’ve thought about it, but then I’m like, no, it’s just gonna make you dizzy, and why would you do that? Silly girl,” she laughs.

Why Choose Hypnosis Therapy in Vancouver?

YVR Hypnosis exemplifies the effectiveness of hypnosis therapy Vancouver, providing tailored and impactful sessions that transform lives. Nathalie’s story is a compelling endorsement of their method which includes their Stick-With-It guarantee. Nathalie rests secure knowing that if she ever returns to her smoking habit, she can return to YVR Hypnosis for reinforcement hypnosis therapy at no cost.

Watch Nathalie’s Testimonial

Visit our website to see the impact of hypnosis therapy Vancouver firsthand. Beyond quitting smoking, YVR Hypnosis can help you lose weight, manage stress, perform better, gain confidence, and more.

Ready to Begin Your Smoke-Free Journey with Hypnosis Therapy Vancouver?

Inspired by Nathalie and ready to quit smoking? Book a screening at our YVR Hypnosis office in Gastown. At your screening, your consulting hypnotist will answer your questions and find out whether you can use hypnosis as a tool to achieve your goal with hypnosis therapy Vancouver. Your new chapter is just a step away.